Category Archives: Most Recent

Guerilla Marketing to Get Commercial Contracts

Getting commercial contracts for apartment complexes, strip malls, and retail properties is a great way to scale your business. There is one secret… the landscape maintenance contracts for those properties are usually managed by a property management company.

The traditional way of marketing to these companies would be to take business card in or even ask if they have any properties up for bid.

Today, on the podcast (click to listen), I share one way that my company is trying to get commercial contracts. It’s strange, a little different, and might cause a little fear, but I think it’s gonna work!

1.) Create “cold” estimates

You don’t need permission to go create commercial bids. Just drive around your local area looking for apartment complexes or commercial properties. Take note of whether they have an on-site manager office or if they are managed from an outside company (hint: look for the “For Rent/Lease” contact sign). Remember, these property management companies are always looking for vendor estimates and contract/vendor renewals.

2.) Create “Introduction Packets” and bake homemade cookies (WHAAT!?)

We have talked about intro packets before. These are clean, professional hard-copies that outline the history of your business, before and after pics, customer testimonials, etc. And yes, homemade cookies will set you apart from everyone else… just do it!

3.) Hand-deliver estimate with the intro packet and cookies to property management office

In some cases you will just have to mail the packets and estimates but if the management company has a physical office location make sure to make that personal touch by showing up in-person.

Have a great 2017!

PS – For the first time, we are having a webinar THIS SATURDAY. Get all your questions answered for free and learn how to create these commercial contract estimates.


Happy New Year!


Mike Andes

Standardizing Estimates and 1st Year Blues

Today, a caller by the name of Nathan Jones had a question about creating standardized pricing for estimates… specifically, for fall cleanups and landscaping jobs.

Why is Standardized Pricing Good and Necessary?

1.) Is essential to creating consistent profit margin

2.) Must be done for the business to scale and grow

3.) Much easier to train an estimator as your business grows


Why is Standardized Pricing Hard to Do?

1.) You’ve always done it off the top of your head

2.) You think you need years of experience to eyeball work

3.) It takes a lot of thought and time to create a standardized pricing menu


How to Create Standardized Pricing

1.) Track time and expenses at all mowing and landscape jobs

2.) Determine break even point and expected/target profit margin

3.) Set your hourly rate for mowing and landscape jobs (this should increase as you grow and provide more value)

4.) Bundle services and products into a menu-like list so that the estimator can easily match “what is needed” to the corresponding price


To get one-on-one help with creating your standardized pricing list visit


Mike Andes